Gina Kawaii, from Manado is one of our patients with craniofacial deformity who has a unique case. She was born 7 years ago as twin, without a nasal bone, however her twin sister was born normal. With help from generous donors and the capable hands of our medical surgeons, Gina had a successful surgery and able to smile again.
Gina Kawaii, dari Manado adalah salah satu pasien kami dengan cacat wajah yang memiliki kasus unik. Dia lahir 7 tahun yang lalu sebagai anak kembar, tanpa tulang hidung, namun saudara kembarnya lahir normal. Dengan bantuan dari para donatur yang dermawan dan tangan-tangan ahli bedah medis kami yang cakap, Gina menjalani operasi yang sukses dan dapat tersenyum kembali.
Gede was born in Singaraja, Bali November 2010 as the first born child. Right after his birth, his parents found that their son suffered with disabilities, a cleft lip. Due to being in the lower economy class, the family did not have the ...
Ni Made Anna Pradnya Swary, called Anna by her parents, is one of our patients from Baturiti, Tabanan Bali. She was born with unidentified Craniofacial problems. Anna’s condition at birth shocked her father, who works as a ...
A cute little girl with beautiful eyes from Kuta, named Gina, came to Yayasan Senyum Bali in the afternoon, accompanied by her mom, her grandma, and her aunt. She was calm and brave. She was four months old when she ...
A warm smile from Made Bayu, 3 months old from Tabanan. He had his free cleft lip surgery at Surya Husadha Hospital on January 7th. This surgery not only changes his smile, but changes the whole of his life and his future. Let's ...
This is Adiati from Maumere NTT, she is 38 years old suffer from Ameloblastoma. She was referred to us by our friend from Australia who visited Maumere a few months ago. When we got information about her, we contacted her ...